Permissions on Android

Explore permissions in Android apps to support user privacy by protecting access to potentially sensitive data beyond the application sandbox. Permissions can enhance the functionality of an app by allowing it access to the internet, device location, camera, and more. 

Course Objectives

In this master codelab, you’ll explore:

  • Tabulate the differences between SharedPreferences, Preference DataStore and Proto DataStore 
  • Understanding Preference Data Store and Proto DataStore 
  • Reading and Writing From Preference Data Store 
  • Writing and Reading From Proto Data Store 
  • Testing Preference Data Store and Proto DataStore 
  • Integrating both Preference and Proto DataStore in MVVM Architecture with Jetpack Compose 
  • Exploring the pros and cons of Proto DataStore and Preference DataStore

Meet the instructors

Musab Nasreldin

Content Author

Belal Khan

Course Instructor 

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