Geocoding Service: Address Autocomplete with OpenStreetMap (OSM) in Flutter

This course is perfect for Flutter developers looking to incorporate geocoding functionality, such as address autocomplete with the OpenStreetMap API. By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of OpenStreetMap’s address autocomplete in Flutter, including how to send HTTP requests to the OpenStreetMap API, show up-to-date address suggestions, and customize search results by country codes. You will also learn how to separate address responses into display address, house address, county, state, and country. Then, you will learn to use the Flutter OSM plugin for Geocoding services

Codelab Objectives

In this codelab, you’ll explore:

  • Geocoding services and APIs available in Flutter
  • Making HTTP requests (using Dio & HTTP library) to the OpenStreetMap API for address suggestions
  • Displaying the suggestions in a dropdown list as the user types
  • Introduction to country codes for localizing address search results.
  • Modifying the API request to include a country code parameter for targeted search results
  • Separate address responses into display address, house address, state, and country
  • Learn to use the Flutter OSM plugin for Geocoding services

Codelab Content

Meet the instructor

John Osezele 

Content Author & Course Instructor

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