Building a Complete MVVM App from Scratch with Android Jetpack Compose

Build an MVVM app from scratch using Jetpack Compose, Kotlin Coroutines, Flows, Room database, Retrofit, and HILT DI. MVVM stands for Model, View, ViewModel and allows developers to build apps that are easier to maintain and scale as per the demand.

  • Course Instructor: Catalin Stefan 
  •  Level: Intermediate
  •  Course Duration: 120 minutes
  • Sample Project Included: Yes
  • Learning Path: Android’s Modern Toolkit: Jetpack Compose

Course Objectives

In this master codelab, you’ll explore:

  • Building a complete app with MVVM architecture
  • Building UI with Jetpack Compose
  • Implementing persistence storage with Room database 
  • Implementing network calls using Retrofit
  • Creating repository layers 
  • Using Kotlin Coroutines and Flows
  • Using Hilt for dependency injection 
  • Adding business logic layers with ViewModel 
  • Adding network connectivity monitor to observe internet connections

Meet the instructor

Catalin Stefan 

Content Author & Course Instructor

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